
Productivity Is for the Birds

Filed Under: Mental Health

I’m finally getting back into the swing of things.

I haven’t felt like doing anything for the past couple of days other than sitting on my butt and while I normally spend a good part of the day sitting on my ass, usually I spend said time being somewhat productive.

Productivity and I weren’t really talking this week.

I’m not sure what’s been going on. But, since it seems to be over, I guess it doesn’t really warrant too much examination. In fact, I’ve been so productive, that I keep jumping from tab to tab and then getting confused and forgetting what I was working on. Now that I think about it, I suppose I’m not being productive at all but I guess this is better than not doing anything at all?

Deep thoughts by Amy.

someecards.com - The only thing I plan to accomplish at work today is to turn a gallon of coffee into gallon of piss.